The Italian abroad wine blog is my wine blog and diary. I founded in 2003 and have been living abroad for almost 20 years and this blog is a collection of my thoughts mainly about Italian wine and food, but also wine and food in general. I come from an Italian wine making family and got acquainted with wine at a very early age, but I don't just love Italian wine, I love any good wine and enjoy plenty of it, as well as good food and travelling, and often my posts include a bit of everything.
To help you understand Italian wines, we have designed a series of Italian wine regions maps featuring DOC and DOCG wines showing the origins and the grapes making your favourite Italian wines. I also wrote a post on the Italian wine appellation system explaining and demystifying the Italian wine classification system and what it really means for Italian wine lovers and wine drinkers in general.
Lastly, we have a Youtube channel where you can watch me tasting some of our wines and answer your questions about Italian wines and grapes, from the real meaning of DOC to what is an orange wine.
Hope you enjoy reading this wine blog and please get in touch if you have any question.
Was this a bargain? Certainly no. I had never seen this wine before so I am not too sure where they had it for that price, but even if Tesco had the wine at £7.99 for 28 days as prescribed by law and then reduced the price, it was still ripping its customers off because the wine is not even worth £3.99.
We only had a sip and decided to throw the rest of the champagne in the sink. After this very disappointing experience, we opened a bottle of Franciacorta and what an experience. For the same price, what a better wine. Using Bob Tyrer words, a good Franciacorta can outshine Champagne at twice the price.
Last Sunday I was invited to a Birthday in a restaurant and at the end of the long lunch, we had a glass of house wine, it was one of the worse wine I had ever drunk. We left it in the glass, paid and gone
I am writing this post for the opportunity to showcase my blog at the Wine Gang Christmas Fair. You don't need to vote or anything similar, all I have to do is to link this post to the Wine gang blog and to the post of Robert McIntosh who also write about wine and wait..
After several test vintages, the 2007 Syrah Dal Cero Clanis has just been released and on its first vintage has already scored a silver medal at the Syrah du Monde 2009, the biggest international competition reserved for wine made with Syrah.
In case you don't know, 90% of all Tuscan red wines are made with Sangiovese, including the Brunello di Montalcino, and saying that a wine is made with Sangiovese is like saying that 90% of Tuscan reds are made with it. It is like saying that a wine is made with Bordeaux's grapes, but is 10 times cheaper, does this mean anything to a wine drinker or even an expert? No, really
A debate about low alcohol wine has started creating two groups, pro and against. I belong to the second. This is the letter I sent to the Editors of all major UK papers.
To see how the rating influence consumer perception and willingness to pay more, all we need to do is to look at the wines on the supermarkets' shelves showing ratings or medals and their prices. Or the number of wines entered by each and every supermarket in the major wine competition to win a medal; I don't think that these competitions could be run if it wasn't for the supermarkets.
Sir, I was very surprised to read that one of the solution for the binge drinking problem, especially the under age one, according to the BMA, is attributed to advertising; it is like if we would ban condom brands advertising because it could push more youngster to have sex and therefore, contribute to teenage pregnancy.
Can I have a bottle of Prosecco, please? Often when asking for a Prosecco in a restaurant, the real one, we are given something that has written Prosecco on the label but does not taste anything like the original. In the last few months, lots of different bottles with Prosecco on the label have flooded the market with big differences in price between them; by the way, when buying a bottle of Prosecco or sparkling wine in general, don't forget that they carry £2.055 duty.
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